
ARRIVAL IN AZ - March 4, 2019

Hello everyone!!!! I don't even know where to start. This email might turn into a novel but theres so much that has happened. The work is GREAT down here in AZ! My first area is Peoria and it's small but we are teaching so many people! Also we are on bikes, ALL DAY EVERY DAY! Its us and our skirts and our bikes and it is always always an adventure. President and Sister Collins are the best people I've ever met and I love them so much. They were so welcoming and I felt instantly at home here. We spent the first night at the mission home. My first morning here President took us on a "hike" up what was called happy valley to assign us to our areas. When we got to the top of the mountain (which was actually a hill*) it overlooked all of the Arizona valley. He showed us the areas told us a little about each one. We then got our assignments and I'm the only new missionary assigned to this area. I then met my companion Sister Ashby! I love her. This is her last tra

SURVIVING and THRIVING - February 19, 2019

Hello again everyone! I can't believe I've been here a whole two weeks! One more and AZ here I come! Nothing too new, I'm working hard and learning tons!! Literally my brain and heart are about to explode with everything I've learned here! My favorite part I think though is the people. I have so much love for everyone I've met here. Elder Boehme got here this week! It was fun to have us three Cardston friends here at the same time! And what makes it even better is that MY TWO BEST FRIENDS GET HERE TONIGHT. I've been so excited and can't wait to see them! Sister Soper and Sister Holland the MTC is ready for ya!! The highlight of this week was definitely when we got the email and news that missionaries can now call home every pday! I've never seen so many happy missionaries in my life and you could feel the excitement in the air at the mtc! We were all crying and you could hear yelling down every hall and it was the best. President Nelson really is God

THE DISTRICT - Episode 1 - February 12, 2019

Hello everybody! I have so much to say and so little time so first of all THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR EMAILS. I can read them all throughout the week but can only reply on Tuesday (pday) but they've been such a strength and blessing to me! I will try to reply to all of them but for real I've really appreciated each and every one. They saved me this first crazy week! And your prayers, I can feel them! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. You guys, being a missionary is the best thing that's ever happened to me. And the MTC is so great I absolutely love it here. I've seen so many people I know including Elder Ash from good old C town, sister Zobell and Elder Noad from magrath, lots of friends from byu, and my 2nd cousin Elder Hardy from Vancouver! Elder Ash and Elder Hardy are in my zone actually so that's way cool and so crazy what are he odds of that!? Funny story that you southern alberta's might wanna hear some of you might know my old zone leader. His name is Elder D&

February 12, 2019

1. My first day dork dot 2. A classic personal study 3. MY DISTRICT 4. some of the girls 5. My table 6. Districts name tags 7. The leadership! (STL's ZL's and district leader) 8. Sister Mortinson the old sister training leader and her sharing her love of bandaids I'm just going to send you all of my pics because I've been talking them with my phone because I'm always moving here and there’s not time to pull out a camera so then you guys will have all of them! Sorry if this is an overload Haha 1. Sista face mask night 2. Sunset outaide the window during class 3. All of us sisters packed in the lobby because a carbon monoxide alarm went off one night which was actually a fire alarm. In other words, an adventure. 4. Sister Fish (my favorite of the sistas) and her gold fish 5. mtc choir with my friend sis Stratton from byu! 6. Sis fish and the worlds best joke (thanks dad) 7. Elder Daniel's. No description needed. TUESDAY FEB 12 2019 MOM!!!!

Wednesday February 6, 2019

Hey Fam!! Holy cow I've been here a solid half an hour maybe and I already LOVE it. It's so fun. My companion is sister Stoddard from Minneapolis and she is so funny and nice! She says she doesn't sport much and just barely said "ok so don't take candy from strangers but like... burritos are fine." She says she has a friend sending her a burrito in the mail. She's going to be awesome. Dane one of my teachers is from Africa and he's the most hilarious guy I have ever met in my life no joke. He says he plays ALOT of 2k and I was the only one who understood what he was talking about when he was talking and he thought that was awesome so thank you for that! Anyways they really throw you right into things here I threw my bags on my bottom bunk that I claimed and am headed straight to class! I LOVE YOU GUYS Also my P-day is Tuesday! I miss you but am so happy and feeling so welcomed and love it here so much. Sister Hardy